Monday 3 March 2008

All my exes are getting married

Ok, well not all of them. Two of them. Two out of three people I had significant relationships with in the past. I was told about one in 2006, and I just found out today that another one is getting married later this year.

I am happy for them, really I am. But I can't also help feeling a little depressed. Blecchhh. What I need now is a few hours and some seriously cheesy movies to lose myself in for a little while...


Phill said...

I had a moment of panic when I read the title of this post!

And since you haven't specified which exes I'm still wondering if you and Svetlana may have cooked up a little scheme while I was busy talking to Big Ben that night.

Mimi said...

Man, that would be some scheme!! Just fancy not knowing you were getting married until, maybe, subtle things like invitation replies and venue booking confirmations twigged you to the fact!
Panic not, Freeloading, you're the undisclosed 'third one', though you come first temporally :)